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Discover ideas beyond the reach of human capacity.

Utilize Fusion 360's generative design extension with additive manufacturing to explore diverse manufacturing-ready outcomes that meet your design specifications while reducing weight, improving performance, and consolidating parts.


Get access to the recorded 2-part Generative design Webinar series hosted by Team D3, MasterGraphics, and Autodesk.

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Discover the benefits of Autodesk Fusion 360®

Generative Design for Manufacturing eBook

Read how Generative Design accelerates innovation

This eBook discusses how generative design is revolutionizing manufacturing and how it can be leveraged to increase operational efficiencies and inspire innovation not capable by man.

General Motors Success Story

See how GM reduces part cost with Generative Design

GM is the first major automaker in North America to use generative design with Additive Manufacturing for the development of lighter, more efficient vehicles. Read how GM reduced their seat bracket weight by 40% while increasing its strength by 20% using generative design.

On-Demand Webinar

Generative design and Additive/Hybrid Manufacturing Webinar

How can new technology help you to improve performance? Watch this 25 minute webinar on-demand to learn more about the practical applications of generative design and use of emerging technology within the Automotive Industry for both the design and manufacturing of vehicle components.

Let's take things further.


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