In this post I will show some framing that has an alignment leg, so that I could position and attach sheet metal panels on the frame. In the past I’ve designed machine framing that would serve as the “skeleton” for the equipment but is also required…
Pete Strycharske

I’m a CAD enthusiast who really enjoys helping people overcome their CAD challenges and freeing them from as much day-to-day drudgery as possible; freeing them to dream and design big! My specialties are AutoCAD, Inventor and Factory Design Utilities, serving most manufacturing and some architectural industries. I’m super thankful and blessed to be able to share my CAD adventures with you!
So What’s this Going to Cost Me??? Part 2: Grouping Parts List Items by Category
In Part 1 of this blog miniseries, I highlighted how the total Estimated Cost could be displayed for all quantities of an item in a Parts List via a Value Substitution. In this edition, I will show how we can group a category of items together and…
So What’s this Going to Cost Me? Part 1: Value Substitution for Parts List Column Values
I once had a client ask how they could compute the total mass of an assembly in their drawing’s parts list. After some back and forth, I showed him how to extract the mass value for an entire assembly and place that into his title block (which I’ll…