If you have a multi-level assembly and you want to select all components that are either hidden or suppressed, then it is easy to do using the search options.
Michael Hahn

Autodesk Inventor Exporting Parts & Assemblies to 3D PDF
Do you ever have a need to export a part or assembly file as a 3D PDF?
The first step is to make sure you have at least the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, or the export will come out blank.
View Representations with Different Parts Lists
View Representations with Different Parts Lists.
view representations and you want the parts list to reflect each viewrepresentation when you create the drawing.
When you insert the parts list for both representations you get the same list in…
Getting Started with Autodesk Inventor's Screencast Addin
Getting Started With Autodesk AutoCAD's Screencast Add-in
Have you ever had the need to create high-quality videos capturing the details of complex workflows in Autodesk AutoCAD to show your ideas, spread the word, or share knowledge? Autodesk Screencast will do that while tracking your keystrokes and…
Top Autodesk Inventor Add-ins from the APP Store
If you are not familiar with the Autodesk APP Store, then you are missing out. There are lots of free (and paid) add-in products that can make you work ore efficient. Here are a few of my favorites.
Top Autodesk AutoCAD Add-Ins from the APP Store
If you are not familiar with the Autodesk APP Store, then you are missing out. There are lots of free (and paid) add-in products that can make you work more efficient. Here are a few of my favorites.
How do I switch Autodesk products from Standalone to Network vice versa?
How do I switch Autodesk products from Standalone to Network vice versa?
Best workarounds when AutoCAD won’t open or crashes (especially unhandled exception errors)
1) Repair software application
- Go to the search bar and select Control Panel
- With View by set to Category select Uninstall a program
- Find Autodesk AutoCAD 20xx and select it in the selection panel
- Select Uninstall/Change
- Select Repair or Reinstall
Top 10 Cool AutoCAD Tips and Tricks You May Not Know About
1 ) OOPS Command – Have you ever erased something and then drawn a few more items and needed to undo the erase. Undoing will undo all your drawn lines back to the erase command. Simply type OOPS and hit enter and the erased items will reappear…